If you want to make money online, this is the real deal about how to earn money from home with passive income concepts. As a result, this article is a total package for you.
You may earn Paytm cash not only by watching videos as well as by playing games, referring friends, installing apps, taking surveys, including clicking links. To make money in India, all you have to do is watch videos. So they have a lot of sponsors (Google Ads, Direct Ads), and you may earn a lot of Paytm Cash this way. Which means simply they are distributing a portion of their generated revenue with you. The business model is for you to share 20% to 50% of revenue. And for which advertisers pay them on a PPC or PPV basis. The explanation is simple: the apps I’ve listed below are being used to promote other businesses (advertisers) by showing videos to people like us.
You can withdraw your earnings into the following services:.Paytm Cash can be earned in a variety of ways using pocket money.